Tuesday, April 14, 2015


We have been having a reasonble week.My students just finished their cambridge exams on Monday.Its quite a relief.I would work with them.so hard that they ended call me maleficient when she turned dark.Also the fact that i wear black most of the time contributes to that name:)i assured them i will turn good the moment we get good results from them. The test week for my secondary students is over too..i have only my report cards to finish..and then i am done too. Meanwhile,f teacher was happy with faheem ,especially yesterday.She told me that he voluntarily asked her for blank to draw..To DRAW..really..???what did he want to draw..INspector Gadget ..but off course.He wakes up asking for him and sleeps thinking about him.I asked what he drew..He said he drew all the different gadgets of the inspector and started naming them... i have also started to work on his bahasa Indonesia,the reading and writing.The school has refused to give him lessons in this..as they feel it will confuse him..with 2 languages taught simultaneously..I disagree with this completely but i don't know how else to convince them. i am thinking of mainstreaming him..with a shadow..i want to try again..lets see how it goes

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