Monday, November 16, 2009

What an eventful month...Faheem started school.I have opted for mainstream.He is on a month probationary period.I do not why he is on probationary period,as this school accepts at least one autistic child in a class...nevertheless,i won't argue with them....I will play along

How is Faheem doing in class???well..once the teacher enters and begins to introduce some study material..he will start to stim.He will keep telling me "Mooma buka pintu,kita go".(mooma open the doo,we go).But i insist on staying.Finally he settles down,but will refuse to do any activity...its step at a time...this is a form of therapy...he will have to learn to settle in any situation.But the positive thing about it is he knows the names of the children in the class...and when i asked him what the teacher was talking about ..he answered...burung(birds)...while i was buying his uniform(so unnecessary at the moment..but since f he likes the school logo BONA on it oh well)he started to sing rolly polly...

Thats a start isn't it???:)))))

Honestly speaking,i am as nervous as he is when i am with him in the class.As much as i don't want to admit that the stares from the mothers don't bother me...they do.F's therapists are so confident that F will blend in..then i should...

Yes,i shouldn't let stares and comments bother me...

F started occupational therapy as well.The therapists Eka,
told me needs to work on his fine motor skills that he is lacking terribly.
But there is one thing that confuses me..she said he can talk but there is absolutely no two way communication...
No interest in any sort of play(hmmm!)
Odd pretend play which does not make sense
His perception in recognizing objects has not reaches its optimum stage(huh?)
He can't begin play and once he has started to play he can't stop...that too the way he plays is not how it is suppose to be..
F is not autistic(really????)
All this she concluded in an hour of observation..of which much time was spent on cleaning f vomit...(he puked all over the place ,poor thing),and cleaning f poop and after which he was definately not a good day for the three of us .

By that time i didn't want to argue.I know she is not entirely wrong.There are only a limit amount of things F is interested in transportation for example..loves all his motor bikes and cars trucks etc....

As for the pretend play..i think it has become better...but still it is not up to par for a three year old

Two way communication...OF COURSE there is a 2 way communication...infact after his second visit to Eka he could tell me what he did...But he still can't tell me each and every detail..he will when the time come m,as he learns more vocabulary .

I didn't say anything..i just listened and nodded.I am sure f will surprise her with his ingenuity as he has done with other therapists and me...I know it has been a tough job for the therapists to teach woo him to time they will see he is smart,it is just a matter of getting to know to how beautiful he is...Faheem will always be beautiful in my eyes..Ya Allah help me bring out the best in him

As for the last thing...he is not autistic...then i wonder y his f on a probationary period because he is autistic???

So is my son autistic or not?????If he he is not..then what is he?

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