Over a year ago ,as Faheem had just been introduced to the early intervention program,we has taken him swimming .Its one of the recommended therapies.Well,as we had guessed at the time...instan screaming and crying.Finally ,we tried a different approach.We' d show him the swimming pool everytime we got the chance.One fine day,he say his cousin Adnan in the pool and he was sold.He jumped in unannounced(alittle scary)with shoes,and clothes and he was laughing way.Now he even wants to enter the pool by way of a slide...Maasyallah!!!Well at least he has begun to enjoy something else other than his motorcycles.
Another surprising fact,Faheem has begun to enjoy going to play areas which he use to hate before.But with one condition...his dad has to join him and there is no compromise.I can't say he is playing like the other kids in there as his chooses to bring his motor cycle as his security blanket and does care for the other children around him to much.I am just glad he wants to enter inside willingly and truely enjoys going in on almost all the playthings.
I was especially happy when his behavior therapist told me how surprised she was when she 'discovered' how much she knew.The speech therapist said that his 2 way communication quickly being established....Pls God let it improve more and more.
Along with the good news there is always some amount of bad news.Faheems stimming has once again increased...i read in one of the books this happens when he is introduced to more emotions and is trying to deal with it...which is a good thing.I wiah i can help him.He has still not learned to espress his emotions well.He does cry when his dad goes or his loved one,and is very pleased when his loved on returns(these abilities he lost a year ago and are thankfully back and HERE TO STAY).but there are new emotions that are difficult for him .Like the other day i brought him to a relatives place(which Faheem loves by the way since he has such a big backyard with farm animals).I think he has come to like my uncle's two little boys ages 7 and 9.For one they loads of toys..Though he did particularly respond to them,but he chose to play close to them afterwards...then he began to call out their names..but started stimming afterwards.I feel this is the new thing tht he can't seem to handle.Have to do something about this..how do i help him here?
Meanwhile,My mother is not doing to well.She has been diagnosed with discoid lupus which attacks the skin.My poor mum.The meds are real strong ones.She has helped me so much in handling Faheem.Now i want to help her as much as i can.I love u mum.Be strong...i am here for u..all your children are.
1 comment:
He sounds very sweet
Do you go the icdl website
There is a lot of information on Stimming in the web based radio shows - its how I learned to do floortime ( from the free radio shows by Dr Greenspan )
Stimming is not something to be scared of as its a coping mechanism - I know I also used to be scared of it earlier
But the trick is to find what they are stressed about and to remove that stress
Or what sensory need are they trying to satisfy
Us mums have to be like detectives
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