Tuesday, October 20, 2009

a lil disappointed!!

F has not been feeling well for almost a week now.Cold and cough.We are very selective in giving him any med for his ailments since F in our opinion seems to regress if given the wrong meds.
We took him to the doctors a coupl of days a go..F pediatrician from the day he was born...the fool WHO UP TO A CERTAIN PERIOD IN TIME DENIED THE FACT THAT F HAD AUTISM. ...if it was not for Y i would never set foot in his office.

F is usually uncomfortable in the doc's office.This time though he didn't cry as much.He only started to cry when Y inserted the thermometer in is armpit...this ritual is suppose to be handled by the doc..but he didn';t want to do it..instead attended to a call..Once the thermometer went off,f quickly set up...i n the doc immediately started to write the prescription...(on what basis was he writing the prescription..f did have a temperature)i asked him to check his mouth.. to that he answered..he wanted to but since f was violent...VIOLENT??????.F was not violent..he was not biting..hitting..he NEVER has,masyallah..and he would have never done it to him.F was crying and a little uneasy...Finally he checked his mouth,that too he refused to hold him directly,told Y to hold him .AND THIS FELLA HAS BEEN GIVEN A DEGREE IN PEDIATRICS..TO HANDLE CHILDREN?????

I honestly felt hurt..my poor baby being ostracized for autism and that too from a doctor who should be the most compassionate of all.This is not the first time that it has happened..Sometimes i feel people get autism wrongly.People out here relate autism to a violent mental disease .It;s these things that worries me bout F future..i hope by then f will be ok..pls Allah help my son,when i am not around.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

An interesting conversation with Faheem

Momma;Faheem mau kemana?(where do u want to go?)
F;mau ke rumah nana(want to go to nana's house)
M;Mau lakukan apa di situ?(what do u want to do there?)
F; Faheem mau lakukan nonton tv di situ(want to watch tv there)
M;tapi tvnya rusak!!!(the tv is spoilt there)
F;panggil abang listrik(call the electrcian)
M;tapi naggak ada abang listrik((there are no electricians today)
F;(annoyed)nonton CD aja(watch CD then)
M;rusak juga(spoilt too)
F(very annoyed) main computer aja(play computer then)
M;nggak ah...capai(no i am tired...not playing)
F is crying already by then so annoyed by my trickery....smile.But for me it is a conversation to remember:))))))).